Logos Bible Software

Friday, August 31, 2007

Sabbath Reality

When it comes to being a pastor there are many gray areas and oddities that if looked at with a microscope would make a pastor out to be a rule "breaker" if not "bender". Specifically speaking, a pastor does not receive the same opportunity on Sunday to corporately observe Sabbath. Obviously the Pastor is the one taking care of last minute preparations, making sure the ushers are on the same page, the sound is taken care of, all announcements are made and many other duties that all just happen to appear 5 minutes before service. So what is a pastor supposed to do when it comes down to observing a Sabbath day of rest.
I have a friend that is a bi-vocational pastor, technically tri-vocational, at a small independent church here in Indiana. We meet every other week to encourage each other and hopefully sharpen each other spiritually. When it comes down to it he is regularly tired and worn out frustrated because he can't spend more time for the church. So what is his Sabbath like, well he never truly has a day when he is not working. He balances his week between his three different obligations, while making time to study for a sermon, visit people, make necessary calls, and Saturday is usually (except in rare cases) when he writes his sermon, because there is no time during the week to do otherwise. Sunday than is like any other pastor of a small church you have known, he teaches Sunday School,Preaches and greets. So where is his Sabbath? What is a Pastor supposed to do?
In Mark 2 Jesus is seen walking with the disciples through a field, as they do so they casually reach down and pull the grain from the plants of the field. Of course the Pharisees are watching every move they make and approach in an accusatory tone and attempt to condemn the actions of Jesus and the disciples. These words sum up the thought of this passage, "Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." While the Pharisees were condemning Jesus because of the reaping that was being done by him and the disciples there is still something in this for us to think about. What is the Sabbath supposed to be for a pastor?
Personally I am greatly blessed when it comes to having a Sabbath time for me to rest. Unlike my friend above I am blessed with one day off each week to replace time in my week for the time that I do not receive on Sundays as those that I minister to receive. So when it comes to that day I turn down any church ministry that I would normally be involved in with my position/responsibilities. I do this so drastically to set a precedent for those that know me and that I minister to, so they know when I am off, and also the example I hope to set for taking a Sabbath. As a pastor it is hard for me to say for someone not to work on Sunday or anything of that sort if I myself do not take that day off, for I then would be the guilty one.
I write these things just as thoughts, mainly because yesterday was my day off and it was glorious. Also as a pastor it is hard to change my habitual thoughts that only Sunday is the Sabbath for me, if that were true than I am knowingly committing sin every time I'm in the pulpit/or in the church on Sunday. To you that are lay people in the church, make sure that your pastor has a day off and that you support him taking this time for his spirit and health. If your church doesn't offer that for your pastor then there is something that should be changed.


The Hollands said...

Wait till you mix in the family time with your kids. Things get really crazy than. Guard that day off! People will try to take it away, I'm proud of you for saying NO. Keep up the great work.

Unknown said...

Craig and I were just talking about this! We were saying how Sundays, we feel more drained than a lot of other days of the week. Getting ready for church two times a day, especially if we're involved in the services in any way...worship/drama/etc. worship practice after church, youth events after evening service...the list goes on...we're just worn out! So, I think Saturday is more of a Sabbath for us:)